
Stimm Fidget Ring

The center band on our fashionable Stimm fidget ring rotates easily around its base. Whether you find yourself spinning your Stimm ring consciously or subconsciously, the movement is effortless and can be used as an aid to reconnect with your mind and body. Simple and discreet, share the secret of your spinning ring - no one will have any idea it's a moving piece of jewelry! - with those you trust.

More resources and FAQs about fidget rings:

How difficult, you may ask, is it to design a simple band ring? See John's thoughts on this.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fidget and Spinning Rings
5 Tips to Choose the Best Fidget Ring for You
Using a Fidget Ring for Focus
How To Self-Soothe: A Simple, Step-By-Step Guide

The Stimm Fidget Ring is simple, elegant, timeless and purpose-designed stimming ring to be worn every day. It can be worn as a fidget ring for adults or teenagers. Each design comes beautifully packaged in a branded Stimm gift box with satin pouch and Stimm story card.

Made from: premium surgical hypoallergenic stainless steel    

Not sure about your ring size?

Download this PDF and print it out. The best time of day to try on a ring is mid-to-late afternoon, when your finger is at its widest and most stable size.