
Sound, and how it affects our sense of wellbeing

Sound, and how it affects our sense of wellbeing

I'm listening to a Bach sonata, as I write this piece about our Stimm Calming Necklace. How fitting that these 400 year old notes should relax me, so that I can write a few words about ... relaxation.
Well, to be precise, relaxation and how it relates to our sense of hearing. Today, we speak about sound therapy as a conscious method of using sound to affect our physiology. In short, how sound can improve health and wellbeing.
Let's leave the conscious world for a few moments, however, and consider how that which doesn't register also registers. It could be the subliminal rustle of the wind in the trees, gently moving water, the peal of a child's laughter ... or a Bach sonata. Sound, whether we're conscious of it or not, affects our sense of wellbeing. And from this realization came the idea that if one could carry, with them, a sound - to be enjoyed and used for relaxation, whenever and wherever - it would be a pretty fabulous thing.

And, so, our Calming Necklace was born.
'Gentle, ethereal chimes,' a friend described the sound. 'I'm floating above the chaos that was this morning.' A gentle shake of the Calming Necklace will release its soft bells. And, because each piece is made by hand, no two will have the same sound. That affects people in the most positive way - the realization that the sound they are carrying is unique to them. We love our Calming Necklace, because it appeals to so many souls - from a pregnant mum rolling it gently over her bump to someone beginning a meditation to a stressed-out student studying for exams.

This is the calming and healing quality of sound.

Stimm Calming Necklace with Soothing Chime