Fidget Rings

Frequently Asked Questions About Fidget and Spinning Rings

Frequently Asked Questions About Fidget and Spinning Rings

What is a fidget ring and how does it work?

A fidget ring is a finger ring - that can also be worn on a necklace chain - that is designed to be touched, spun or manipulated in a way that provides a physical outlet for fidgeting. Fidgeting is the habit of making small, repetitive movements with the hands, feet or other parts of the body. Fidget rings typically have small moving parts, such as spinning discs, gears and beads that can be rotated, twisted and clicked. The idea is that by providing a discreet outlet for fidgeting, the ring can help to reduce stress, anxiety and distraction and improve focus and concentration.

How can a fidget ring help with stress and anxiety?

A fidget ring can help with stress and anxiety by providing a physical outlet for fidgeting - the natural behavior that many people engage in when feeling anxious or stressed. However, when people are in a situation where fidgeting is not appropriate - such as in an office meeting or during class - they may actually feel more anxious or stressed, as a result. This simple ring provides a discreet outlet for fidgeting, which can help to reduce said anxiety and stress.

Are there different types of fidget rings?

Yes, there are many types of fidget rings available: a multitude of designs, with varying details and features. Some fidget rings carry spinning disks, others have gears, beads and buttons. Most spinner rings are designed to be worn on the finger, but some can be used on a keychain, as a pendant, etc.

Are fidget rings discreet to use in public?

Many fidget rings are small and discreet, making them easy to use in public. However, it's always good to be aware of your surroundings and the context of usage.

Please also read our post "Fidget Rings and Teenagers: A Trend Analysis" where we look at the fidget rings from a cultural and social perspective,

Can a fidget ring help with concentration and focus?

Fidgeting can be a distraction for some people, but for others it can help enormously in redirecting their focus and concentration. You will know quickly whether a fidget ring is for you! Here is an article that explains the science behind fidgeting and focus.

Are fidget rings easy to clean?

Yes, fidget rings are very easy to clean. Simply wipe down with a damp cloth or wash with soap and water. If the ring is sterling silver or another metal, you can use a silver polishing cloth.

Can fidget rings be worn on different fingers?

Yes, fidget rings can be worn on different fingers. Sometimes, the ring can be adjusted to fit different finger sizes.

fidget ring on ring finger

How do I find the right ring size for my fidget ring?

Not sure about your ring size for the finger you have in mind? Download this PDF and print it out. The best time of day to try on a ring is mid-to-late afternoon, when your finger is at its widest and most stable size.

How long does a fidget ring last?

The lifespan of a fidget ring will vary, depending on the quality of the ring's construction and how often it is used. There is no reason that a metal spinning fidget ring shouldn't last for many years!

Can fidget rings be used by children?

Yes, fidget rings can be used by children. However, it is important to supervise young children, to ensure they are using them safely.
At what age can kids safely use a fidget ring? The age at which children can safely use a fidget ring will vary, depending on the child's development and maturity. Generally speaking, children as young as 3 or 4 will be able to use a fidget ring, with adult supervision. The key is that they understand the importance of not putting the ring in their mouths, as it is a choking hazard! Parents should always supervise their young children.
It's also good to consult with a pediatrician or child development specialist, if you have any concerns about your child's ability to use a fidget ring safely.

How to Choose the Best Fidget Ring for You?

We have an entire article on how to choose the best right fidget ring for you right here.

How can fidget and spinner rings help with ADHD?

Fidget rings and spinners may provide a physical outlet for fidgeting, which can help to reduce feelings of restlessness and improve concentration in some individuals with ADHD. However, it is important to note that spinning rings should not be considered a substitute for professional treatment of ADHD. Research on the effectiveness of fidget rings and spinners as a tool to help with ADHD is limited and the results are mixed. Some studies have found that fidgeting can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD, as it can improve their ability to focus and concentrate. Other studies have found that fidgeting can be a distraction and is not helpful. It's also important to note that what works for one person may not work for another, so it's best to try different strategies and see what works for you. If a fidget ring or spinner is helpful for an individual with ADHD, it may be used as an additional tool in conjunction with other treatment methods such as therapy and medication. It is always recommended to consult with a medical professional such as a physician, occupational therapist or a mental health professional to determine the best course of treatment for ADHD.

Why does sensory stimulation and fidgeting help with anxiety?

Sensory stimulation, such as fidgeting, or even simply being mindful of your senses, can help with anxiety because it redirects focus and attention away from the source of the anxiety and on to the physical sensation of fidgeting. This activates different parts of the brain that are responsible for processing movement and touch, which can help to regulate emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety. Fidgeting can also activate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which can have a calming and regulating effect on the body and mind. It can provide a sense of control and mastery over one's body, which can be particularly helpful for individuals who feel anxious in situations where they feel out of control. It's important to note that fidgeting may not be helpful for everyone and it's always good to try different strategies to see what works best for you. Additionally, fidgeting should not be considered a substitute for professional treatment of anxiety.

Is there any scientific research or studies that prove that sensory stimulation helps with anxiety?

There have been several studies that have investigated the relationship between sensory stimulation and anxiety. While the research is not conclusive, studies have found that sensory stimulation can have a positive effect on reducing anxiety symptoms. One study found that individuals with anxiety who engaged in sensory-based activities such as squeezing a stress ball or fidgeting with a small object experienced a reduction in anxiety symptoms. Another study found that individuals with anxiety who received tactile stimulation, such as a massage, experienced a decrease in anxiety and an increase in feelings of calmness. A systematic review of studies investigating the use of fidget toys on individuals with ADHD, autism and anxiety found that fidget toys may help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve focus. It's important to note that the research on sensory stimulation and anxiety is still ongoing and more studies are needed to understand the full relationship between the two. Finally, sensory stimulation should not be considered a substitute for professional treatment of anxiety and it is always good to consult with a mental health professional to determine the best course of treatment for an individual's specific needs.

Where can I find some scientific research on sensory stimulation and anxiety?

Some useful resources for the topic of sensory stimulation and anxiety include academic journals, such as the Journal of Anxiety Disorders and the Journal of Sensory Studies. Additionally, reputable organizations like the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) may have helpful information and resources available on their websites. It may also be beneficial to consult with a licensed therapist or healthcare provider to discuss individualized strategies for managing anxiety through sensory stimulation.
